Wednesday, November 14, 2012

First Binder Finished!

Just a quick little post to make note that I have now added all of the information found in Letha's THOMAS binder. That is pretty huge for me, so motivating to keep moving! There are nearly 20 binders in all (and countless folders and books!) and I hope that I can be a little bit quicker about each of the subsequent binders to follow.

Just as a reminder, I only put up very minimal information pertaining to the living (and in some cases, possibly still living) for privacy reasons. This  THOMAS family binder was slow going, in part, due to that.

So who is next? I am thinking the Bowyers, or maybe the Callisons... come back soon to see who it will be!

Also, Tina Sanford, if you are still reading along, I hope you will contact me, there are too many "Tina Sanford" options on facebook to just start sending random messages to!      


Unknown said...

Yeah.....great job Jodi. I only wish I could find the time to get back to my binders/notebooks/papers to be filed and get them in order. I once was organized....but started having a life outside of my home. Anyway thanks for all of the information and for taking the time to share it with the rest of us. Good luck on the next binder!

Jodi said...

Thanks so much Sue! I appreciate it so very much. Here's hoping I can get in at least 1 post before Turkey Day. Happy Holidays to you and yours, Sue!

Unknown said...

What an accomplishment! I am so glad you took on this challenge and even more so glad that your interest in the history of the past is still so fresh and enjoyable to you. Love the posts! Enjoy the holidays with your family. Looking forward to your next subject and/or family. LOL

Jodi said...

Thank you, Aunt Rita! I've been busier than expected, so I've not got a start on the next one yet, hoping for a chance next week! Happy Holidays up in the far north this year. Miss you!