Friday, June 22, 2012

... starts with the Thomas family : Joseph Andrew Thomas

Ahhh, my branch! Just to recap, Edward Gilmer Thomas and Sarah Amanda Lucas had at least 12 known children: William, Elizabeth, James, Rachel, Sarah, Edward, Joseph, Martha, Adam, Lucy, May, and Angeline. Joseph and Ellen here are Great Great Grandparents of mine, I am blessed to have several photos (or copies of some sort) of them, which I am happy to share with you here.

The family of Joseph A Thomas and Mary Ellen Callison circa 1906 (the children l-r: Joseph, Lester, Elzie, and Earl) .
I believe the woman on the end is Sarah Lucas Thomas (Joseph's mother).

Logging Camp, presumably somewhere in WV.
The only person identified is Joe Andy.
Note the random baby in the middle...

close-up of the Logging Camp photo, Joe Andy on the left.

Joseph Andrew Thomas was born 19 Feb 1866 in Goshen, Rockbridge County, Virginia. He was married on 7 Mar 1900 in Greenbrier County (see line 21) to Mary Ellen Callison, both marrying later in life than most at the time: he was 34, she was 30. Joe Andy worked the farm, but also worked in a logging camp at some point, possibly before his marriage.  
Joe Andy died at his home in Danese, Fayette County, on 6 Dec 1938 from mitral stenosis. He is buried alongside his wife in the Ben McClung Cemetery in Rupert, Greenbrier, West Virginia.

Ellen with unidentified child.
Mary Ellen Callison was born 5 Jan 1870 in Greenbrier County, WV to Robert Callison and his wife Mary Laverna Smith. She passed away at her son Bert's home on 2 Jan 1950 in Danese, Fayette County, WV of chronic myocarditis and senility. There are 3 binders and several books on the Callison family in Letha's collection... 

Joe Andy and Ellen had 7 known children. More info on each of them on separate posts to come.

  1. Earl Gilmer (1900-1972)
  2. Lester Robert (1902-1978)
  3. Joseph Berton (1904-1974)
  4. James Elzie (twin) (1905-1980)
  5. Olney (twin) (1905-1905)
  6. Bessie Jane (1907-1996)
  7. Carl Vernon (1913-1986)
I have so much DATA on these people, and quite a few photos, but no stories to share. My great grandfather, James Elzie, passed almost two years before I was born. Do you have a story to add to give life to these people? I hope you'll share if you do.
Joe Andy and Mary Ellen Callison Thomas
The Thomas house in Danese, 1939. Jim Callison (Ellen's brother) wearing suspenders, Earl Thomas (son of Joe Andy & Ellen), the little girl's name is Murline.
Their final resting place, Ben McClung Cemetery in Rupert, Greenbrier, West Virginia

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